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In this lab we will study and improve a Lexer and Parser for the Tiger language. We will also write an AST Iterator that evaluates simple integer Tiger expressions.

We will start from a compiler skeleton built by your teachers.

Import the example code

Retrieve the lab code and commit it to your git with the following commands in the subdirectory lab2 at the root of your git repository.

Execute the following commands at the top of your repository:

$ mkdir lab2
$ cd lab2
$ wget -qO- | tar zxv
$ git add dragon-tiger
$ git commit -m "Import dragon-tiger for lab2" dragon-tiger

Look around

The sources in dragon-tiger are organized this way:

  • src/ast contains the definition of the tree. In nodes.hh you can see all the nodes declaration. You should not alter this file.
  • src/parser contains the lexer (tiger_lexer.ll) for use with the lex/flex lexer generator, and the parser (tiger_parser.yy) for the yacc/bison parser generator.
  • src/driver contains the main program in
  • src/utils contains some utility classes to deal with errors.

If needed, flex documentation is located here and bison documentation can be found here, but the existing code should be self-explanatory and reading it should be enough to implement the requested features.

The AST nodes

The AST contains nodes derived from the Node class. There are two kind of nodes, which derive directly from this top-level Node class: Expr represents any form of Tiger expressions, while Decl represents declarations.

The nodes.hh also contains structures that help use the visitor pattern. You should read and understand it, as the last item of this lab will need to use it.

Building the project

From within the dragon-tiger repository, run:

$ ./configure
$ make

If everything worked as expected, you should be able to run the compiler driver dtiger as follows,

$ src/driver/dtiger --help
  -h [ --help ]         describe arguments
  --dump-ast            dump the parsed AST
  --trace-parser        enable parser traces
  --trace-lexer         enable lexer traces
  -v [ --verbose ]      be verbose
  --input-file arg      input Tiger file

$ echo "a * b * c * d" > test.tig
$ src/driver/dtiger --dump-ast test.tig

You can use - as a file name to read the Tiger code from the standard input without using an intermediate file:

$ echo "a * b" | src/driver/dtiger --dump-ast -

As you can see a simple lexer, parser, and AST dumper (printer) are already implemented.

In the following lab you will add new features to dtiger, ensure that you test thoroughly and commit each feature. Follow precisely the instructions, this lab is graded and machine corrected!

Remember: you should never have to modify ast/nodes.hh during this lab.

Supporting integers

Your first task is implementing support for integer literals.

$ echo "1*2" | src/driver/dtiger --dump-ast -
1.1: invalid character

As you can see in the above example, currently, the lexer and parser do not recognize integers. To debug the parser and lexer you can activate trace modes:

$ echo "1*2" | src/driver/dtiger --dump-ast --trace-lexer -
--(end of buffer or a NUL)
--accepting rule at line 122 ("1")
1.1: invalid character

(line numbers may vary)

Can you understand what is happening? Look for the string “invalid character” in the lexer file src/parser/tiger_lexer.ll. It looks like someone forgot to add a rule to recognize integers.

▶ First add an INT token in the parser. Look at src/parser/tiger_parser.yy after the comment starting with “Define tokens”. The type of the token should be int, its name INT, and its comment integer.

▶ Add support for recognizing integers in the lexer. You should look at how this is implemented for ID tokens. First, add a rule for a regular expression matching integers. No need to worry about the minus sign; it is already handled in the parser. In the flex action for integers, use the function strtol to convert the matched text (yytext) to an integer and emit an INT token. You should ensure that the parsed integer is in the range of legal Tiger integers (the constant TIGER_INT_MAX has been defined for you), and signal a correctly placed error using utils::error if not.

▶ Ensure that you reject numbers with leading 0 as the Tiger language forbids them (but you must accept 0 of course).

Now the lexer should recognize integers,

$ echo "1*2" | src/driver/dtiger --trace-lexer --trace-parser --dump-ast -
Starting parse
Entering state 0
Reading a token: --(end of buffer or a NUL)
--accepting rule at line 87 ("1")
Next token is token "int" (1.1: )
1.1: syntax error, unexpected int

but the parser still complains because integers are not valid expressions.

▶ Add support for integer expressions in the parser. You should add a new rule that matches an INT token and returns an AST Node of type IntegerLiteral. For this, you need to perform three steps: add an intExpr rule doing the matching and returning a new IntegerLiteral node, declare the type of intExpr as being Expr * (see how this is done for stringExpr for example), and add a case to the expr rule to make it accept intExpr everywhere an expr is acceptable (as it does for stringExpr for example).

When you finish this section, the Tiger program 1*2 should be properly parsed!

A note on symbols

Throughout the lexer and parser files, you may have noticed that strings are represented using the Symbol type. This type, which is defined in src/utils/symbols.hh, allows to detect when similar objects are used (here we use it for strings and identifiers) and return a shared reference for similar objects.

For example, if the foobar_identifier_123 identifier is used 10,000 times in your Tiger source code, the string will be present only once in memory and the AST will contain 10,000 identical references to it instead of pointing onto 10,000 different copies.

Adding support for more binary operators and adding precedence rules

Before diving in the subject of precedence rules, let’s have a look at how we handle the unary minus operation. We could add a node UnaryMinus in our AST, or we could take advantage that -x holds the same value as 0-x, and we already know how to represent a subtraction in our AST using a BinaryOperator node. Hence this is what we are choosing here: -4 will produce an AST of (0-4). Hopefully, this subtraction will be optimized in a further step by the compiler and will be performed at compile time rather than at runtime every time the program is run.

Let us now worry about operator precedence. Currently the following expression 1*2+3 is parsed as (1*(2+3)). This is clearly incorrect, because the * is more binding than the +.

If you look at the file src/parser/bison-report.txt you will find many shift/reduce and reduce/reduce conflicts. Such as,

State 25

   20 negExpr: "-" expr .
   21 opExpr: expr . "+" expr
   22       | expr . "-" expr
   23       | expr . "*" expr
   24       | expr . "/" expr
   25       | expr . "=" expr
   26       | expr . "<>" expr
   27       | expr . "<" expr
   28       | expr . ">" expr
   29       | expr . "<=" expr
   30       | expr . ">=" expr
   31       | expr . "&" expr

    "+"   shift, and go to state 32
    "-"   shift, and go to state 33

    "+"       [reduce using rule 20 (negExpr)]
    "-"       [reduce using rule 20 (negExpr)]

Here the parser is parsing the following kind of construct -4+5 and got confused. Should it be parsed as -(4+5) (incorrect) or (-4)+5 (correct)? The parser does not contain the necessary information yet.

How to read this report? The reading cursor, depicted by a dot (.) is currently just before the + operator: it parsed a minus sign -, an expression 4, and does not know what to do when it encounters a + sign. It hesitates between:

  • reducing (-4) right now which will utimately produce the following (correct) interpretation (-4) + 5 and the AST ((0-4)+5)

  • shifting which will ultimately produce the following (incorrect) interpretation -(4+5) and the AST (0-(4+5))

The default choice in Bison is to shift. Therefore here, the parser will produce the second incorrect AST.

To fix these ambiguities one must declare precedence rules for the operators and some keywords. If you look for “Declare precedence rules” in tiger_parser.yy you will find at this stage

%left UMINUS;

It means that FUNCTION, VAR, and so on are not associative. It also means that the unary minus (denoted by UMINUS) is associative left (not that it matters for an unary operator), and that it has a higher precedence than FUNCTION, VAR, and so on, because it is declared after them.

As an example, + should be associative left, and have a precedence lower (“be declared before”) than the unary minus, because you want -4+5 to be parsed as (-4)+5, not as -(4+5).

▶ Add precedence rules until you fix all the shift/reduce and reduce/reduce conflicts in the parser. Check that you correctly parse arithmetic expressions such as 1+2*3, 5-2-1 or -4+5.

Adding support for the boolean OR operator

To simplify subsequent phases in the compiler, boolean operators are translated to an IfThenElse AST node. Indeed, due to Tiger’s lazy evaluation of boolean operators, a & b is semantically equivalent to the following code,

if (a) then (if (b) then 1 else 0) else 0 

▶ Add support for | (OR) boolean operator in the parser. Do not produce a BinaryOperator node, use an IfThenElse node with a construction similar to the one used by the & (AND) operator.

▶ Test that your compiler recognizes the new constructs.

Adding support for if then else constructs

▶ Add support for if then else and if then constructs to the lexer and parser.

To simplify subsequent phases in the compiler, when you find a naked

if condition then

block replace it by the following equivalent construct,

if condition then

The () corresponds to a Sequence AST node with an empty expression vector.

Be careful to fix any shift/reduce or reduce/reduce conflicts you may introduce. Do not forget to declare the type of the new expression you created and to add it to the list of acceptable expressions.

Implementing an AST evaluator for simple Tiger int expressions

Now that your parser and lexer are complete, we are going to add a new AST iterator that evaluates them to build a simple Tiger calculator.

The AST evaluator should support evaluating the following AST nodes:

  • An IntegerLiteral evaluates to its integer value.

  • A BinaryOperator evaluates to the result between the two operands. For boolean operators 1 is true and 0 is false.

  • A Sequence evaluates all its sub-expressions, and evaluates to the value of its last sub-expression. An empty sequence should raise an error and terminate the evaluation.

  • A IfThenElse block evaluates to the value of the then or else branch depending if the condition is true or false. The other branch is not evaluated at all.

All the other nodes should raise an error when evaluated.

The evaluator can be called with the -e (and --eval) command line option. It should work as follows,

$ echo "2*3" | src/driver/dtiger -e -

Please ensure that your implementation works exactly as above so that this work can be graded automatically.

When using both -e and --dump-ast, an error should be triggered.

Errors should be raised with the util/errors.hh functions and should be fatal.

The evaluator should reside in the src/ast directory in the ast namespace and extend the class ConstASTIntVisitor.

▶ Implement the Evaluator as described above.