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Lab 4 - IR generation

In this lab we will write a code generator for our Tiger compiler targeting LLVM IR.

The IR code generator is responsible for the following tasks:

  • Creating a IR module in which functions will be defined.
  • Creating independent top-level IR functions for every Tiger function in the source code, including the nested ones.
  • Building stack frames to hold escaping variables, and giving pointer to the outer stack frame to every function called.
  • Building basic blocks to represent the flow of the Tiger function.

A completed code generator should never raise an error related to the source code. All errors should have been caught in earlier phases already. For example, an unknown identifier would have been caught and reported by the binder. A typing inconsistency would have been caught and reported by the typer.


Retrieve the lab code and commit it to your git with the following commands,

$ mkdir lab4
$ cd lab4
$ wget -qO- | tar zxv
$ git add -f dragon-tiger/
$ git commit -m "Import dragon-tiger for lab4"

This lab is the first one which requires the headers and libraries for LLVM. You can usually install them from a llvm-dev package. You must use at least version 3.9 and at most version 9.0 of LLVM. Let us build the project:

$ cd dragon-tiger
$ ./configure
$ make

If it doesn’t find the LLVM header and libraries, ensure that you have installed them. If needed, you can use the --with-llvm= argument to configure to point it to the right location.

If everything worked as expected, you should be able to run the compiler driver dtiger as follows,

$ src/driver/dtiger --help
  -h [ --help ]         describe arguments
  --dump-ast            dump the parsed AST
  --dump-ir             dump the generated IR
  -b [ --bind ]         run the binder on the parsed AST
  -t [ --type ]         run the type checker on the parsed AST
  -i [ --irgen ]        run the LLVM IR code generator
  --trace-parser        enable parser traces
  --trace-lexer         enable lexer traces
  -v [ --verbose ]      be verbose
  --input-file arg      input Tiger file
  -o [ --object ] arg   generate object code file

$ echo "print_int(42)" > test.tig
$ src/driver/dtiger -i --dump-ir test.tig
; ModuleID = 'tiger'
source_filename = "tiger"

define i32 @main() {
  br label %body

body:                                             ; preds = %entry
  call void @__print_int(i32 42)
  ret i32 0

declare void @__print_int(i32)

Ensure that you test thoroughly and commit each feature. Follow precisely the instructions, this lab is graded and machine corrected!

Important note

Some of you may not have completed the previous assignment. To this effect, the current archive contains a pre-built parser library (so as not to give you the full solution) and binder and type checker phase and this lab may be done separately.

However, when you have completed the previous assignment, feel free to replace the src/parser/ directory by a copy of the one from your previous assignment. This will be most satisfactory, as your code from the first step will be used also in the second step. Do not forget to add parser to the SUBDIRS variable in src/ (it must be the first subdirectory there because it auto-generates files used in other subdirectories) and in src/parser/Makefile in However, you must keep nodes.hh as distributed with this lab, because it contains extra visitors for the AST.

You might also want to propagate your evaluator code although this will not be needed.

Similarly, you can get the src/ast/ directory from the second lab as long as you have implemented the binder, type checker and escaper.

Assembly production and IR verification

Piping your IR output to the llc program will tell you if there is a typing output in our IR (for example if you try to use a pointer instead of an integer), and will output Intel assembly code corresponding to the computer is it currently executing onto.

$ src/driver/dtiger -i --dump-ir test.tig | opt -mem2reg | llc
[…intel assembly output…]

If you are more familiar with ARM Thumb-2 instruction set, you can obtain it by using llc -march=arm -mcpu=cortex-m4 for example.

You can combine this with opt -mem2reg to see the effect of removing the unneeded alloca IR instructions:

$ src/driver/dtiger -i --dump-ir test.tig | opt -mem2reg | llc -march=arm -mcpu=cortex-m4
[…thumb2 assembly output…]

Code organization

The IR code generator is called with the -i option. It is interesting to also add the --dump-ir option which provides a text dump of the generated IR.

The declarations of the IR code generator can be found in src/irgen/irgen.hh. The implementation is split in two parts:

  • src/irgen/ contains the code to generate new functions, stack frames, variable declarations, etc.
  • src/irgen/ contains the code to transform the AST into IR.

For this lab, you are provided with an incomplete src/irgen/ that you will have to fill according to the instructions. Each visit method must return a llvm::Value * which represents the result of the translated expression. If the expression (or statement) has no useful return value, visit must return nullptr.

LLVM Builder

A LLVM IRBuilder object helps you insert code into a basic block. It remembers the block and the place within the block where it is currently inserting code (called the insertion point). Our IRGenerator class contains a Builder field for this purpose.

The IRBuilder contains a lot of methods designed to make code generation easier. For example, it can move the insertion point to the end of another basic block, it can generate a branch instruction to another block, or generate a conditional branch instruction to another block, etc.

▶ Read carefully the provided code and make sure you understand how the visitor for the Sequence AST node works, both for a non-empty and an empty sequence.


▶ Using utility methods declared in irgen.hh, implement the visitor for VarDecl nodes. Do not forget to initialize the variable content with its initial value if it has one. Look at the IRBuilder provided utility to store the initial value at the right address. Also, the llvm::Value * representing the variable address should be registered into the allocations map which maps variable declarations to their addresses.

To validate your implementation, you can check that the following Tiger code

let var a := 1 in end

generates something like

define i32 @main() {
  %a = alloca i32
  br label %body

body:                                             ; preds = %entry
  store i32 1, i32* %a
  ret i32 0

One can clearly identify the allocation of a i32 reserved space onto the stack (whose address is stored into %a) in the entry block of the main function. In the body, the initial value 1 is stored at address %a.

▶ Implement the visitor for Identifier nodes.

The following code

let var a := 1 in print_int(a) end

should now also contain something like:

  %0 = load i32, i32* %a
  call void @__print_int(i32 %0)

showing that the value stored at %a has been read into %0 and then passed to function print_int.

▶ Implement the visitor for Assign nodes.

The following code

let var a := 1 in a := 3; print_int(a) end

should now also contain something like:

  store i32 1, i32* %a
  store i32 3, i32* %a
  %0 = load i32, i32* %a
  call void @__print_int(i32 %0)

representing the successive assignments of variable a. Do not worry with the useless initial assignment; once we will go through the LLVM optimizer, the useless assignment to 1 will be removed from the final code automatically and look like:

define i32 @main() local_unnamed_addr {
  tail call void @__print_int(i32 3)
  ret i32 0

You can see it by yourself by piping the result of the dtiger compiler through opt -O3 | llvm-dis:

$ src/driver/dtiger -i --dump-ir test.tig | opt -O3 | llvm-dis

Note: you might need to add some LLVM-specific directory to your PATH variable in order to find the opt and llvm-dis tools.

Tests and branches

Translating a IfThenElse AST node into IR is simple but requires several steps. In Tiger, a if … then … else … expression might return a value, as in

let var a := if 2 > 3 then 10 else 20 in … end

So the various steps needed to translate such a node are:

  • Allocate stack space (in the entry block) to represent the result (let’s call it %result).
  • Build three new basic blocks: the if_then block to represent the then alternative, the if_else block to represent the else alternative, and the if_end block as the join point where the execution will resume after the if … then … else ….
  • Evaluate the test condition and either branch to the if_then block or to the if_else block depending on the test evaluation (not 0 / 0). Do not forget that the conditional branch needs a i1 (boolean) as a parameter, not a i32. You might want to look for the Builder.CreateICmpNE() helper function to compare your value to the constant 0.
  • In the if_then block, evaluate the body, assign its value to the %result variable, and branch to the if_end block.
  • Do the same thing for the if_else branch.
  • Set the current insertion point to be the if_end block so that the code generation continues from there.
  • Load and return the result stored in %result.

There is one pitfall however: if the if … expression is of type void, then the %result variable must not be written to or read from (and nullptr must be returned by visit).

▶ Implement the visitor for IfThenElse AST nodes.

Do not forget to test your implementation using tests with and without else, and tests returning either a value or nothing.


▶ Implement the visitor for WhileLoop without taking care of Tiger break statements at this time.

▶ Implement the visitor for Break. You need to modify the WhileLoop and ForLoop visitors in order to associate the loop AST nodes with their exit blocks using the loop_exit_bbs map.