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Lab 5 - Static frames

In this lab, we will extend our code generator for our Tiger compiler so that it can access variables declared outside the current function using the static link.


This lab must be done by enriching the work done in lab 4. The automated tests will run as soon as you create (and add in git) a src/irgen/lab5.check file in your lab4/dragon-tiger directory. This file can be empty, only its presence is required.

Frame creation

▶ Add a new void IRGenerator::generate_frame() method which will be called when analyzing a FunDecl (in The steps are:

  • Build a vector of the types needed in the frame. If the function has a parent, the first field is a pointer onto the parent frame. You can use the getPointerTo() method on a type (llvm::Type) to get a pointer type to it. Other types needed are those of the escaping declarations, whose list is accessible through the get_escaping_decls() method on the FunDecl node. The current function is stored in the current_function field of the IRGenerator object.
  • Create a new structure named ft_ followed by the external name (for example ft_main.f) from those types.
  • Register this new type into the frame_type map which associates a function declaration to its frame type.
  • Create a new object of the newly created frame type and allocate it on the stack, assigning the result to the frame field of the IRGenerator object.

The insertion point should be set to the entry block right after its creation before calling generate_frame(), in IRGenerator::generate_function(),

At this stage, the frame will be created with the right type but will be empty.

Also, make sure that you to not attempt to create a field for any escaping void value, as those do not (and cannot) require storage.

Finding the right frame

▶ Add a new std::pair<llvm::StructType *, llvm::Value *> IRGenerator::frame_up(int levels) method (in which returns either the current frame information (if levels is 0) or the information of one or several levels above (if levels is not 0). The returned pair contains the frame type and an expression to be able to access it.

A way to do it would be:

  • Initialize a variable fun with the current function declaration (found in current_function_decl) and a sl value representing the address of the current frame (found in frame).
  • Then, for every level you need to go up, replace sl by a load of the first field of the frame it currently points to (using Builder.CreateStructGEP() and Builder.CreateLoad(), and fun by the declaration of its parent. You are not one level up.
  • When this is done, you can return a pair made of the frame type of fun (found in the frame_type map) and the current static link from sl, which represents a succession of loads.

Frame assignment

▶ It is now time to put escaping variables into the frame. You will create a new llvm::Value *IRGenerator::generate_vardecl(const VarDecl &decl) method (in which will take care of allocating the variable either in the frame (if it escapes) or in the stack (if it doesn’t escape) and register its address into the allocations map:

  • If the variable does not escape, allocate it using alloca_in_entry, register its address in the allocations map which maps a variable declaration to the llvm::Value * representing its address. You might have to modify code you have written already to set the allocations data here.
  • If the variable does escape, you must find its position in the list of escaping variables for the current function. This gives you its position in the frame structure. Don’t forget to add 1 if the current function has a parent and thus has reserved index 0 to store the static link it received. Do not forget to skip void variables either, as those are not represented in the frame. This computed index must be recorded into the frame_position map which associates an escaping variable declaration to its position in the frame. Then you can use Builder.CreateStructGEP with the right frame type (found in the frame_type map) and the current frame (found in the frame field of the visitor) to retrieve the address of this variable. You must register it in the allocations map and you can return it.

Now, you can replace your calls to alloca_in_entry from lab4 to use generate_vardecl instead. Since the tests in lab4 do not use escaping variables, this should not break them. However, you might want to try some code snippets to ensure that escaping variables (and only them and the static link) are stored into the frame.

Find the variable address

▶ Since a variable may have been created in an outer frame, we must use frame_up to find its address. Modify IRGenerator::address_of() in order to:

  • return the result of allocations[&decl] as before if the variable is used at the same depth as its declaration;
  • use frame_up() and the frame_position map to return a pointer to the variable in an upper frame otherwise.

Make sure you use address_of() and not directly allocations in the visitor for Identifier and Assign.

▶ We now must pass the static link to every function which isn’t external (primitives don’t need the static link). To do so, we need to do several things:

  • Modify the FunCall visitor in order to pass the static link to non-external functions as the first argument. We will use the recently created frame_up method to get the right static link. The number of levels to go up is computed from the difference between the depth of the call and the depth of the function declaration. We only care for the second component of the pair returned by frame_up.
  • Modify the FunDecl visitor if we are analyzing a non-external function. In this case, we must insert a parameter which is a pointer to our parent frame type before the other arguments.
  • Modify IRGenerator::generate_function() (in so that it stores the first parameter (if we are analyzing a non-external function) into the first field of the current frame.
  • In the same function, use generate_vardecl instead of alloca_in_entry to store function parameters into local variables. By doing so, you will ensure that escaping parameters will get stored in the frame, while non-escaping ones will be allocated on the stack (and probably later in physical registers instead).

If everything goes well, at this stage, you will be able to run code which uses variables defined above the current function.

Congratulations, your compiler is now complete as far as the code generation is concerned.